301 Exclusions Updates

The US Trade Representative has issued 78 new exclusions to List 3 for the Chinese 301 duties. 17 exclusions are at the HTS level, with the remaining at the product level. These new exclusions may be claimed under 9903.88.48 and will remain in effect until August 7, 2020.

This same Federal Register notice also includes six technical corrections to previous exclusions.

Additionally, there is a separate notice removing two medical items previously granted exclusions under 9903.88.47:

(4) Tumblers or disposable graduated liners for pitchers, of plastics, of a kind used in healthcare facilities (described in statistical reporting number 3924.10.4000)

(6) Manually operated pill or tablet crushers of plastics, presented with attachable pouches of plastics for capturing and storing the resulting powders (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0080)

Finally, we wish to remind you that the fifth set of exclusions to List 1 will expire June 4, 2020. Should any of these exclusions be extended, we will send out an advisory.